Sunday, November 23, 2008


Now that Emm 'n Emm is three months, he is supposed to show some interest in a rattle and grasping rings. So far he stares at it and touches it without grabbing. We will do our best not to compare him to an abstract norm of what babies ought to be doing developmentally. He has already rejected the common wisdom that "all babies love breastfeeding." He is a finger man and I have been trying to accept it, which has been harder emotionally than I imagined. This means I spend hours a day pumping and Will does middle of the night feedings (while I pump, pump, pump some more). Emmett has forced our parenting into a less traditional mold, which is more work for both of us. We are committed to doing it, however, in part for the intrinsic virtues of breast milk (it is much easier to digest and he gets my antibodies), and because formula would cost about 60$ CAD a week (!!!@?*!), and formula companies are evil (e.g. introducing formula to traditional and impoverished communities, where mothers lost their superior and free milk supply and needed to dilute it to spare the outrageous cost, resulting in many dead babies... I would like apply a word to them used frequently on the show Deadwood, but I don't since our families read this blog).

1 comment:

Aimee said...

He looks more awake in every photo--as if he's about to start talking any second now about Nietzsche.