Monday, November 24, 2008

Inner Kitteh

The arrival of the baby human has brought out the inner kitten in our 11 year old cat Lyle, for better and for worse. He chases his tail on a daily basis now and seems to enjoy toys with all the more vigor. He also attacks the 12 year old cat, Zaius, whenever Emmett cries for more than a few seconds. Both cats have more scars, emotionally and physically, as a result of the new animal in the house. They both have taken to trying to usurp any baby furniture or toys. They sleep on Emmie's floor gym or in his mini-crib, if they are not in the car seat or bouncy chair. Zaius has also taken to hanging out on the "changing table," also known as our dryer. He even hangs around for the diaper changes, ignoring the flailing arms that periodically whack him.


Aimee said...

Lyle! And Zaius! I must come visit you (well, and I want to see Emmett too, of course).

Will Roberts said...

Hell yeah! You're welcome up here anytime Aimee.