Monday, September 29, 2008

In the Wild

Although Spinoza doesn't acknowledge any distinction between nature and culture (humans and everything we do and make are different ways nature exists, no different from waterfalls and rainbows), I keep thinking/ lamenting that Emmett and I would not have survived "in the wild." We had this insanely long labor even WITH artificial hormones to accelerate the contractions. Feeding him "naturally" has required a whole arsenal of technology and state sponsored intervention. I keep feeling like we would have been left behind by the herd or exposed to the elements for our unfitness (though, in reality, living in a herd would probably have major advantages compared with our nuclear family thousands of miles from the nearest relative). In other words, I keep feeling horribly guilty and incompetent, which is resulting in these ridiculous hypothetical scenarios worthy of the imagination of Ayn Rand or some pop sociobiologist. This is also just a way of saying that labor and tending to a new infant are hard work (duh, labor = work) and don't flow seamlessly and unconsciously from my being. It so often feels too hard, out of reach, and I am straining so often. Part of me must have imagined mothering as a salutary animal complement to my intellectual labor, which is totally contrary to all that I intellectually hold to be true (my feminism, among other things, totally rejects such stupid ideas). Maybe after enough work, some of this will become second nature. Or maybe a nice day at the spa will make me feel less physically unfit. Some day... In the meantime, I try to appreciate the beautiful vitality that is Emmett. He is a stunning force of nature. These pics are just cute. He is a month old now, enjoying the lap of his maternal grandma and framed by one of daddy's many sleater-kinney tee's.

1 comment:

Hélène said...

Well, Hasana, you continue to look great... and thanks for that Sept 29th post. It IS hard, and a whole lot of it doesn't come naturally... and we don't always say so.

Still hoping to see you at yoga one of these days (2pm Tuesdays). Emily is there with Jayden (sp?).